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Private Clients

Individualized service and solutions customized to your needs.

Your family is precious, and there’s nothing more important in your One Best Life. We provide professional, cohesive guidance for our affluent family clients. In conjunction, we provide each individual family member confidential guidance to see each of them has the best opportunity to live their One Best Life.

Affluent Families

Ongoing guidance

We provide guidance for you and your family members in every area of finance.

Planning and aggregation

Synergy's planning and aggregation software simplifies the management of your balance sheet, even for assets and liabilities not under our management.

Coordinating all areas of finance

From managing your liquidity and investments to tax and estate planning services, and even advice on Social Security strategies-- EVERYTHING, to the finest desired detail, is included in your plan.

Call a pro

If anyone in your family or circle of friends needs financial advice of any kind, we're happy to have a confidential call with them. There’s no requirement for them to become a client, and there’s no cost. At a minimum, we commit to giving them the advice they need and pointing them in the right direction. If they’re important to you, they’re important to us.

Our Process

Introductory Meeting
Before committing a significant amount of our time or yours, this 30-minute call will give us a chance to make sure your situation matches our expertise. The call is complementary and nothing will be offered for sale. We will use the time to get to know one another and determine whether it makes sense for us to create a free one-page financial plan.
Our Analysis
We’ll ask for a few basic documents like your tax return and account statements. Along with your responses to our intake questions, we’ll then review and analyze everything while building a customized one-page financial plan.
Plan Presentation

We meet for 60 minutes to present your one-page financial plan and explain, very clearly, what you need to do to reach your financial objectives. These recommendations and high-level guidance will encapsulate your complete financial situation and provide direction toward building, growing, and preserving your wealth.

Decision Time

We get it — choosing the right financial partner is a big decision. With your one-page financial plan in hand you’ll decide whether to implement the plan yourself, hire another firm for help, or work with us. If you’re comfortable with our approach and believe we’ll provide more value than the fees you’ll pay, we’ll proceed to onboard you as a client.

Implement and Enjoy
Onboarding as a new client is easy. We’ll gather any additional information we might need, set up a profile for you in our financial planning system, and get to work implementing your plan together.

Benefits of working with us.

Cash management
We offer a wide variety of fixed income investments to manage your account while maintaining your liquidity.
Asset management
We believe in not taking unnecessary risk to achieve your financial goals. We aren't bound by trying to match the performance of the S&P 500 or any other index. It’s about helping to preserve your assets, while growing them consistently at the growth rate suggested by your customized plan
Tax Planning

We take the time to understand your tax situation and how it relates to your long- term and short-term financial goals. We will coordinate with your tax advisor to help implement any changes.

Estate Planning

We work directly with your estate planning attorney to see if your plan to transfer assets to your heirs utilizes the best estate planning strategies. Once your plan is developed, we summarize your estate plan, so that you fully understand all the moving parts and the key individuals in your plan. Also, at the direction of our clients, we take time to build a relationship with your loved ones whom you’ve designated to help in the event of your incapacity.

Online account aggregation
We utilize the most innovative and detailed financial planning software in the industry. It is the best tool for simplifying the tracking of all your assets and your financial plan, with its client focused online access. For those who would like to take their financial awareness to a new level, we will provide you online access with unlimited training and ongoing service.
Social Security Strategy
This is a value-added service which most wealth advisers do not focus on. This is an area of strength for us. As you approach retirement, it’s critical to use the best strategy with this valuable guaranteed income stream.

Client asset levels

We generally work with client households or institutions with at least $1,000,000 in investable assets. Why $1,000,000? It’s mainly for 2 reasons:

Planning needs – We utilize innovative wealth planning solutions for affluent families. These strategies deliver the most value for clients with significant assets and who need cohesion between the many different areas of their financial life. In our experience, we’ve found that until a client reaches somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,000,000 in investable assets, they simply wouldn’t benefit from advanced planning. An online broker might be their most cost-effective solution until their situation dictates a higher level of coordination and planning.

Client service – Our team of 4 professionals chooses to only work with roughly 150 client households. In order to build the depth of relationship and provide the highest level of guidance and service, we’ve found this to be a best practice. With limited capacity, we have to set some financial parameters that will protect our commitment to our current clients. Exceptions can be made, and sometimes are. An example would be family members of current clients. Another might be someone who is nearly at $1,000,000 and is committed to investing more over the following year or two.

Let's begin.

Complimentary "Get Acquainted" Meeting

A One Best Life Company